Reach and Stack explained in 20 seconds

2020年4月21日—Foragivenreach,agreaterstackputsyouintoamoreuprightridingposition;yourhandswillbemovedupwardsandyourbodypositionwill ...,2020年1月28日—Stackmeasurestheverticaldistancefrombottombracketcentertoavirtualhorizontallinefromthetopofthehea...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Bike geometry 101

2020年4月21日 — For a given reach, a greater stack puts you into a more upright riding position; your hands will be moved upwards and your body position will ...

Bike Geometry Charts & How They Work (Stack & Reach ...

2020年1月28日 — Stack measures the vertical distance from bottom bracket center to a virtual horizontal line from the top of the head tube. Many experienced ...

How to use Stack and Reach Measurements

Stack and Reach measurements are an easy way to compare bike frames of different manufacturers. Learn how to compare frames using this method.

Stack and Reach

Stack and reach are measurements that describe the size and proportions of a bike measured from the center of the bottom bracket to the top of the headtube.

Stack and reach explained

2022年6月8日 — Stack is the vertical height between the bottom bracket centre and the top of the centre of the head tube. Reach is the horizontal distance ...

Understanding Bike Geometry Charts

Bicycle reach measurement is the process of determining the reach of your bike. As we mentioned earlier, it's the horizontal distance from the center of the ...

【小辭典】Stack & Reach

2016年11月22日 — 選購一台運動用的自行車,最重要的就是車架的大小是否適合騎乘者的身材。現在的車廠大部份都會提供詳細車架幾何作為挑選的依據。


2020年4月21日—Foragivenreach,agreaterstackputsyouintoamoreuprightridingposition;yourhandswillbemovedupwardsandyourbodypositionwill ...,2020年1月28日—Stackmeasurestheverticaldistancefrombottombracketcentertoavirtualhorizontallinefromthetopoftheheadtube.Manyexperienced ...,StackandReachmeasurementsareaneasywaytocomparebikeframesofdifferentmanufacturers.Learnhowtocompareframesusingthismethod.,Sta...

REACH R20 前往台灣本島的極西點 國聖燈塔

REACH R20 前往台灣本島的極西點 國聖燈塔
